Aug 7, 2023Liked by Matthew Kressel

I have had my First Rejection! That means I am a Professional Writer! Not a published one, but that's but a trifling. Thank you for you pointers, my following stories are better (I think).

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Great! :) A few quick pieces of advice you might follow after getting a short-story rejection:

1) Keep a spreadsheet/log of submissions and rejections, so you know where your stories have been sent.

2) Don't sit and ponder and stew on that rejection -- send that story out again *right now*!

3) Go write something new.

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I work on my desk top, but I back up my thumb drive on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday. Military service taught me to be anal about good information retention practices and operational security. It's difficult to break old habits. When not being backed up, I keep the thumb drive in a fireproof safe.

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